Protect Our Soil

Protect Our Soil

  • Purchase Landscape Materials from the City - Order mulch and/or leaf humus from the Service Department to “close the loop.” These materials are products of Bay Village's curbside leaf and branch compost/recycling program. Bay Village composts its leaves at the Westlake/Bay Compost Facility Center on Ranney Parkway in Westlake. The humus is available from mid-April to November. Call 440-871-1221 for availability and pricing information. Bay Village will deliver the humus to Bay Village residents only. There is a delivery fee. Brush and tree branches are also taken to the compost facility where they are shredded. This product is also available for sale and information is available at 440-871-1221.
  • Follow Integrated Pest Management Practices (IPM) - Know that insects can be beneficial; NOT ALL BUGS ARE BAD! Accept some degree of pest damage. If you must use a pesticide, use only the chemical to control that specific pest and spot treat only where needed. Apply pesticides when wind is minimal to avoid spread beyond plants being treated. Do not apply pesticides near storm sewer drains, streams, or the lake. Water runoff can carry the pesticide and contaminate our streams and lake.
  • Use Herbicides Sparingly - Accept some level of weed infiltration. If you must use an herbicide, use the chemical specific to the weed to be eradicated. Apply herbicides when wind is minimal to avoid spread beyond plants being treated. Do not apply herbicides near storm sewer drains, streams, or the lake. Water runoff can carry the herbicide and contaminate our streams and lake.
  • Use Fertilizers Judiciously - Apply minimal amount recommended (MORE IS NOT BETTER). Avoid application before heavy rain & recognize that some portion of what you apply will end up in our drinking water source. A professional soil test can determine if, what, & how much fertilizer is needed. Consider using organic fertilizers. Do not apply fertilizers near storm sewer drains, streams, or the lake. Water runoff can carry the fertilizer and over-nutrify our streams and lake. This is a large factor in the growing dead zone in Laker Erie. Read more about the Lake Erie Dead Zone here:
  • Reduce Yard Waste To Help Reduce Landfill Requirements for Community - Leave grass clippings on lawn (returning nitrogen to the soil). Compost clippings, leaves, etc. can be used as fertilizer and mulch on your property.
  • Choose More Native Plants for Your Property - Native plants grow more easily because they evolved in this habitat. Check out: They require less fertilizer, fewer pesticides, & less watering once they are established. Native plants benefit birds, butterflies, the soil structure & the microscopic creatures in the soil. Identify & remove alien INVASIVE plants because they escape & take over natural areas. Ohio’s invasive non-native plants:
  • Encourage Bio-diversity by Planting Many Different Species of Plants - Bio-diversity supports a wider range of small creatures in our landscape and ecosystem. Bio-diversity reduces the risks of wide-spread disease & insect problems. Plants form symbiotic relationships with one another and within their eco-niche.
  • Plant in Layers as to Mimic & Support Natural Ecosystems - Trees are the canopy; shrubs, tall perennials, and ornamental grasses make up the next layer. Flowers, groundcovers, and lawns cover the bare earth. Maintain lawn height above 3” to conserve moisture & reduce weeds.
  • Reduce Lawn Areas - This helps the environment as lawns are very demanding of chemicals & labor. This provides space for growing more ecologically productive plants. Consider converting lawn to growing a few food plants for your family…tomatoes, peppers, zucchini. Here’s a link to get you going:
  • Avoid Over-manipulation of Soil Grade Levels & Structure - Existing plants have adapted to air & water exchange at existing soil levels. Trees particularly suffer when the soil grade is raised over their roots. Changing grade levels can negatively impact natural drainage patterns.