Curbside Yard Waste

Curbside Yard Waste Composting by Republic Services

  • This service for composting through Republic is no longer available. For the time being, yard waste will be picked up as any other bulk trash if put into a garbage can or a bag. For more sustainable options, see Curbside Yard Waste Composting by Bay Village Service Department below and mulch your grass instead of bagging when mowing. To learn how to easily compost at home, check out the free seminars offered by our very own Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District. More information on that can be found here: Rustbelt Riders also offers food waste composting at two drop-off sites in Bay, but you must sign up and pay a subscription to utilize this service. More on that can be found here:

Curbside Yard Waste Composting by Bay Village Service Department

The following items can be placed directly on the ground at the curb for pick-up by our city service department:

  • Tree Limbs and Brush - Collection of these materials operates year round. All of the brush is taken to the Westlake/Bay Compost Facility where the brush is ground up and then sold to the public as shredded mulch. Service crews will pick up all brush that is placed at the curb, as long as it can be handled by one individual. Tree stumps and logs too large and heavy to be lifted by one individual will be left behind and not collected at that time.

  • Tree limbs needing additional manpower and/or equipment to pick up and remove will need to be scheduled at a time when the equipment and manpower are available. The Service Department will not pull crews off of a job assignment to make special pick-ups.

  • In order to avoid over-burdening the City’s brush pick up program, the Service Department requires that residents who hire contractors to trim or cut down trees or shrubs have the contractors remove the debris from the job site to avoid tying up the brush trucks and causing delays in the curbside pick-up program.

  • Maintaining two refuse trucks for the purpose of brush collection is costly. The Service Department asks that residents assist in keeping costs down by bundling brush when possible, eliminating small piles which create unnecessary stops by crews, and placing the brush on the tree lawn in a neat and orderly fashion so that crews can collect it and dispose of it quicker.

  • Leaves - Collection begins the third week in October. The Service Department will begin collection at the east end of the town and work west until the entire city has been picked up. This will be repeated until the end of the leaf collection program. Weekend pick ups will be used primarily to catch up on routes and to pick up on main roads for traffic and drainage reasons. Leaf collection will terminate at the end of December. Leaves on the tree lawns after this date must be bagged and placed for pick-up by the refuse contractor. We encourage residents to compost any small piles of leaves in their own yards or alternatively bag them for pick up by the refuse contractor.

    • It is imperative that only leaves be placed on the tree lawn for collection. Branches and other debris should not be included or mixed in with the

  • leaves as this causes the suction tube to become clogged and downtime to occur. Leaves mixed with debris will not be picked up and must be bagged. Yard maintenance contractors shall be responsible for disposing of any and all yard waste material at a proper site and in a proper manner, as prescribed by law.During leaf collection, the curbside brush pick up will be limited to one vehicle due to the need to place all available personnel on leaf pick-up. Residents can cut and bundle or put their brush in a container to be placed at the curb with their refuse to help the Service Department collect the leaves in the quickest and most effective manner.Bay Village transports the leaves to the Westlake/Bay Compost Facility Center on Ranney Parkway in Westlake. It is at this facility where the leaves are composted into leaf humus, which is sold to the public. The humus is available from mid-April to November. See Protect Our Soil link to your left for more information about purchasing leaf humus from the City.

  • Christmas Trees – Can be placed at the curb after Christmas as long as all tinsel, ornaments, lights, plastic bags, and other non-organic (non-compostable) items have been removed. City trucks will pick-up the trees and shred them at our Westlake Composting Facility.